So right now being a teenager feels pretty tough but as you grow you'll start to realize the problems you think are major, will actually turn out to be minor. Getting older and starting working life gives you the realization that those problems you once worried about, don't matter at all. Staying in the popular group, and making the boy you like aware and how you look can feel like the most difficult thing in the world but please please please realize these things aren't anything to seriously worry about. I want you to be as carefree as possible, stress less, stop wishing time away and appreciate the beauty of being young.
Growing up isn't going to be easy for you and you're going to feel like the whole world is against you but just remember that everything happens for a reason and your journey will make you stronger than most. Life isn't always fair but it is good.
No matter how bad your skin is please never go on the medication Roaccutane. Some doctors won't believe it can cause depression but you know yourself better than anyone else and you know how it made you change. Tell anyone you know considering the medication to stay well away and do what you can to get it off the market.
I can assure you your skin will get better and although it's going to take you a really long time you will get there in the end and it will feel amazing when you do. Throughout all your difficulties stay as strong as you can and never lose your fight. Never be afraid to admit you're struggling, you need support from those around you and they can't provide that for you if they're unaware.
I want you to take care of the food you eat and drink, try to exercise more regularly, use natural chemical-free products on your skin, seek correct help and never ever use makeup wipes on your face. You will soon learn that health is wealth. Eating good food and using natural products will not only help your skin but your overall health too and exercising is going to improve your mood. I know when you're young these things don't feel important but as I have learnt, they make a huge difference.
Being in the popular group isn't the be-all and end-all. As you get older you will realise with friends quality is more important than quantity. You will lose contact with your oldest friends and new ones will come along but the best ones will always shine through. What you will start to realize is that you're extremely lucky that you have sisters and although they may feel annoying to you right now, soon they will be your best friends. No matter what happens they will always be right by your side and no one can ever replace them. So cherish them more, even if they do steal your clothes! The same goes for your mum, if you know half of what I do right now you will realise what huge support she is for you, unlike no other, appreciate any minute you get to spend with her and make sure she knows the extreme amount of love you have for her.
Please realise that the mirror lies. You never look as bad as you think you do. Your legs are not fat and your face is not ugly so stop hiding food under your bed and picking holes in the way your body looks. The older you get the more you will understand that before anyone else can love you, you must learn to love yourself. Everybody is different and although you may be shorter than others and think your legs are bigger, you're beautiful just the way you are.
Please don't care so much about what other people think of you, it really does not matter. The clothes you wear don't make you any better or worse than another person so don't stress so much about what to wear. If it feels comfortable, then you'll feel confident and confidence looks a lot better than any clothes ever will. People's opinions do not matter, they don't make you, and as soon as you know this you'll let go of a whole bundle of stress. Don't be ashamed of who you are, you've got nothing to be ashamed of and you're more special than you will ever know.
That passion you will find within yourself will power you forward in life. Soon enough you will realize what it is that you love and I want you to follow that with all your heart, no matter where it takes you. Never listen to what anyone else tells you that you should do, always follow how you feel and even if it's wrong you will learn it.
Talking is going to be your lifesaver. As a teenager, it's not 'cool' to talk about your feelings but make it cool. Talking allows others to understand how you're feeling, it allows you to share your problems or your pain and by talking you can help others too. Don't shut off your parents, be open and honest with them and they will become an ally instead of an enemy. They have life experience which you don't and will help you with any problem you have; they can't always solve it, but a problem shared is a problem halved. Talk to your friends more when you're going through a hard time and help them to understand how what you're going through, it will make a huge difference.
Appreciate every second of being young, having a carefree life is one every adult would kill for, so cherish it. Enjoy hanging out with friends because that gets harder to do as you get older and the memories you make with them, you'll tell your children. Do the thing you shouldn't do, go out late with your friends, go to that place your parents told you not to because you are only young once and you'll learn it's better to regret the things you did rather than regret the things you didn't.
I want you to know that although it may be a bumpy ride, you will find happiness in the end. Whatever it is you decide to do and whatever path it takes you, follow your gut and if it brings you happiness that's all that matters. Happiness is the key to success.
Leaving school will feel very scary but everything will turn out fine, college will be a challenge but you'll leave with top marks in the subjects you are obsessed about. You will work for a few different gyms but learn that working for yourself is the only way for you to really succeed. You're going to run your own personal training business at the age of 19 and grow it as you do. You're also going to buy your own house at the age of 19 and there aren't that many people who do that. Your enthusiasm for health and fitness will help others and you will make a huge difference in people's lives. You're going to become conscious of the people around you and learn to keep only the best close. You're going to find love which you never knew existed and have support from those who love you which will help you to understand how important you are; but most of all just know you're going to live a full, successful and happy life. Remember that.
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