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Lets all be kinder to one another

In the current times we live in, trolling seems to be very dominant. With Instagram now being a haven for sending abusive messages, it makes me very sad to accept that this is the world we live in.

Every time I look at my Instagram I see influences sharing the nasty, messages and comments they've received from complete strangers. People seem to have forgotten the old wives tale; if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. I really believe we need to follow this. No one has the right to pass judgement on another person and say something that could hurt them, it's just not acceptable. 

What's important to remind ourselves is that just because you're not saying it to a person's face doesn't mean saying something cruel online is okay. People seem to gain a lot more confidence when they're behind a screen and make comments or remarks that they would never actually say in person. 

Yes Instagram or Facebook influences put their whole life out there for the world to see and not everyone is going to agree with it, but this doesn't mean that they should be abused by other people for it. Don't think that because you've never met this person your words won't affect them, they still will.

We're all already so critical of ourselves, we need to think before we're critical of others too. Body confidence is at an all-time low and by criticizing each other we're just making it worse. We should be building each other up instead of tearing each other down. 

The biggest worry is the effect this type of abuse can have on the receiver. There are many stories of people becoming depressed and suicidal over this type of abuse so we must keep in mind that words are very powerful and can be extremely hurtful. You don't know what a person is going through and what that one comment can do to them.

If we were all a little kinder to each other the world would be a much better place; a cliche thing to say but it really is true. If all 7.347 billion of us were nicer to each other we could really make a difference, and all it takes is one nice comment instead of a nasty one.

We never know what someone is going through so it's important to use your words in a positive way, to brighten someone's day instead of ruining it. And remember if you don't like what someone is posting or what they're saying no one is forcing you to follow them! 

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