Health and happiness in my opinion go hand in hand. Although this isn't always the case for everyone, I do believe that when you're healthy you are more likely to be happy and when you're happy you're more likely to be healthy. I think when you pair the two together it leads you to a happier life.
Being someone who has experienced some very dark times, I now appreciate moments of happiness so much more and definitely experience them far more regularly than ever before. You may wonder why I say 'moments' instead of saying just a happy life, this is because I believe having a healthy, happy balanced life means that happiness comes and goes. It isn't a feeling that will permanently be there and I don't think a person is truly happy if they say they're the whole time. To be genuinely happy I think it comes and goes in waves. A lot of people think if they buy an expensive car, get a new boyfriend/girlfriend, lose a ton of weight or land an amazing job that they will finally be happy, but happiness isn't a destination. You get one of these things and life will suddenly be perfect forever, it doesn't work like that. Life has up's and down and it always will, there will always be a new problem that will arise and it's how you deal with it that will define how happy your life really is.
For me having a mental health condition like bipolar has meant my life has had its fair share of ups and downs and the only reason I can now live a happy and healthy life now is that I had to be strong. I had to fight through all the pain that depression brings and I had to learn how to manage my crazy manic moments. My happiness came when I found my strength and when I learnt to stabilize the balance between my two extreme moods. I can now say I'm able to appreciate my life to the full much more than ever before and I'm actually thankful for my struggles because without them I wouldn't have discovered my strengths.
In my opinion, positivity is the key to happiness, you can't live a happy life with a negative mindset. I'm definitely not saying I have a positive mind 100% of the time, like I've talked about in previous posts, I have my fair share of problems which definitely shake me from my positive mind, but it's always something I will strive to get back to. It's so important to have a positive outlook on life even when times get hard.
I want to share a few of the points I use to help me have a positive life in order to help you:
- Concentrating on having a positive mindset
- Having positive people around you.
- Looking for the best in all situations.
- Waking up each day and thinking of 3 things in life that make you happy.
- Eliminate any negative people in your life.
- Remember life isn't perfect, there are high and low points.
- Talk to your loved ones and share how you're feeling, you have no idea how much talking helps.
Just remember that just because you don't necessarily feel overly happy every day doesn't mean you don't have a positive happy life. Life isn't perfect nor will every day be, but just remember to appreciate the great moments you have and whenever you feel low always know that another one will be on its way soon.
I'm so happy to be able to share my experiences and opinions and receive such a great response from them, I hope they can help some of you in the same way it has for me. Thank you to all those who keep reading!
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