Health. Fitness. Positivity. Lifestyle. Mental health. Self love.

Be authentic, be you

So many of us get so caught up in how we look that we forget to be completely authentic and true to ourselves. People are constantly trying to be something their not, trying to be that girl on Instagram. You should never ever compare yourself to others because you will never be that girl. That girl on Instagram might have an amazing body and a beautiful face but she doesn't have your personality, your kind heart, and your uniqueness. 

It's so important to remember to always stay true to yourself and who you are because no one else can be you, which is something that's pretty special. We all have something different to offer to the world and we need to remember that we're all just as important as the person next to us.

People are constantly trying to change their bodies because they think it'll bring them more happiness and more success in life but happiness comes from learning to accept who you are and be true to yourself. We all have flaws which we need to accept and understand those are the things that you, you.

This a reminder that exercising and eating a healthy diet should be done because you want to feel and be your best, not because you desperately want to change your body shape. Exercise because it makes you feel strong, eat good food because it makes your immune system strong and live a healthy lifestyle because you know it makes you feel good. Don't just do it because you want to lose weight and be skinnier to fit in, those are never good reasons to change. It's vital to, first of all, accept yourself and love your body just how it is.

To finish I have to add my absolute favourite poem ever. Every part of it helps to remind us there's so much more to life than how we look. Take a read and save it to your phone so you can remind yourself of how amazing you are when you don't quite feel it.

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