Health. Fitness. Positivity. Lifestyle. Mental health. Self love.

10 life lessons I've learnt so far

I may not have as many years under my belt as others but I feel that I've managed to learn a lot in a short amount of time. As I've written in previous posts I've experienced struggles with mental health, acne and general teenage issues, all of which I feel has taught me a great deal about life and how to appreciate it much more. 

1. Talk to the people around you and use their support. It's vital to our mental health that we communicate with our loved ones and rely on them for support, although many people like to think they don't need anyone to rely on I don't believe it to be true, I think the support of others is important for everyone.

2. No one else is in charge of your happiness but you. Too many people put their happiness in others and fail to realise that true happiness can will only ever come from ourselves. To live a genuinely happy life it must come from within, we're in charge of our own lives and can only rely on ourselves to provide happiness. 

3. Grow through what you go through. Never look at an experience in a negative way because there's always something we can learn from it. The way we react to situations is what counts;, you can either let them make you or break you.

4. Don't get absorbed by the small things. If you're not going to worry about it in 5 years then don't waste time worrying about it now. So often we stress about minor things which in the long run never actually turn out to be important.

5. Look after your body; it's the only body we get. One of the most important parts of life is keeping your body healthy. It's something that I believe that's greatly overlooked by many and it needs to change. If we want to live the longest and healthiest life possible we need to treat our bodies well by eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, thinking positive thoughts and not abusing our bodies.

6. Don't let what others say or think affect you. As humans we seem to spend an awful lot of time worrying about what other people think of us, something we all know is bad but still continue to do. We would all live much happier lives if we stopped caring about other people's opinions of us. 

7. Stay positive in a world full of hate. There are a lot of bad things that happen in the world, especially in these current times and if we focus on them too much we can let them absorb us. Although it's important to be aware of big world events remind yourself that these problems are much bigger than you and your life and shouldn't be things we're thinking about daily.

8. Surround yourself with positive people. The people we have around us, shape the person we are today, so the people we have in our lives must motivate us and have a positive impact. Don't be afraid to let go of people that drag you down, you don't owe them anything. 

9. Get out of that job that makes you unhappy. Some so many people live unhappy lives because they hate their jobs. We spend so much time at work that it's difficult to understand why so many put up with it. It can be scary to start a new job, but it may be the one you've always been dreaming of.

10. Dream big and be ambitious. No goal is too big if you work hard enough, it's always good to be ambitious and reach for the stars, I don't ever think you shouldn't strive for what you want. It takes hard work and dedication but I have a strong belief that every goal is achievable if you work hard enough for it. 

I hope some of the lessons I've learnt throughout my life so far can resonate with you and help you learn to appreciate your life a little more. 

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